A New Adventure with a New Library
Our “Open at Opendore” Goal

The Hazard Library aims to provide informative services with an enlightening path to bring imagination and knowledge to our community. One way that we want to accomplish this mission is with a larger space. We currently have a goal to be in a new building adjacent to Opendore in Sherwood, but we need help from our community!
Please check out the campaign on PayPal to donate towards our “Open at Opendore” goal of our new Library!
Our Progress
Goal: $60,000
As of: November 2024
Update: to be announced soon, so check back!
Fundraising Events and Previous Status of Our Goal
September 22, 2024 ~ Perform 4 Purpose Concert and Fun-draising Activities!
Thank you to everyone who supported our fundraising event at Opendore on Sept 22. We have received official word that we have been approved by the state for our phase 1 construction grant, so we will be moving steadily along with the project. You can read more about it on at Fingerlakesdailynews.com
Our goal for Phase 1 in “Open at Opendore” is $50,000, and every donation makes a difference. Please help us meet this goal!